How's everyone's new year coming along?
Mine's going PERFECT so far, especially because I have been very ill for a couple days now and with the deadlines of uni creeping up I am literally dragging myself from time to time to work.
It isn't too easy with a banging headache and a need for moisture and the loo every hour or so (the list of ailments is non-exhaustive either) but I am resilient. No way will I let it get the better of me.
But I do need to give myself a break from work, so what better way to get a break from uni work and work on something else, eh? Haha, just kidding, but I did want to share some of my uni work with you guys in case you are interested in knowing what I am doing. ๐
I have been working quite hard on some animations and some of my models this week.
These are my animations:
This one is better watched on a loop.
The looping animation might have a small jitter in it because of the looping interval some players could have, but it doesn't happen in my editor and VLC.
I have also worked on some models, which need to follow a style and centre around a workbench of someone.
I haven't got to properly texture them, but I have been testing their UV maps with simple textures.
I suppose you can tell what they are. ๐ Can you tell what style I am going for (imagine darker tones and colours (these are just testing colours to see if everything is in place))?
There is still way more to do, and this is just two out of four modules. I'm still very busy... and the deadlines are on the 25th, and for modelling it's 1st February, but it needs the most doing.
I might be able to extend my deadlines if I need them to, but I'm hoping I can fight through my illness, or fight it off completely. Hopefully the latter. ๐ท
Thanks for reading!
- Joris