Saturday, 8 December 2018

Updated looks in Mayhem Arena!

Hey all,

I wanted to share the new looks I have been working on for in the game.
There were some small changes made in the main menu.
 These are the new animations for the main menu. I am really proud of my work here!
I did have to redo a tad with the buttons so they would line up correctly, but at least that allows for a nice spin effect.
Also added a simple text display to show what you are hovering over :).

I've reworked the explosions in-game. They now actually change size corresponding to your Mayhem Level when activated. 1 = small explosion. 7 = MASSIVE BOOMING FUN! :D

You can also see the motif of the game again in the newly designed Mayhem Meter in the top-right corner. The bar and the number take on your Player Colour and the circle where the Mayhem Level is displayed in, is in the opposite colour, just to break it apart a tad :)

Then I decided to rework the Held Item Display. I really thought it needed some redesigning as it looked really bad in my opinion (even though I made it myself (it was for debugging purposes to see if it was all referenced properly etc)).

I followed the same motif again, and I wanted to have the item displayed in the most circular part of that motif so that it would be obvious what you, the player, are holding.

For the ammunition, I would put it in the extension of the circle part.

This is the extension part for the ammunition.
I made it a tad transparent so it would be okay enough to take up a bit of space in the corner. It also takes the player colour you've selected, with the ammunition in the opposite colour of what you chose. 

The circle part that will display the item
This is what will hold the display of the item you're holding. This is more of the outline actually, as the item will have a background.

This is the combined look
Put together, without the effect of the player colour, is the base of the Held Item Display.
In-game this is going to look even prettier! :)

Blast Items are displayed in red. They not only damage the characters, but sends them flying into the sky! The more damage they've taken, the harder they fly away!
The current items with this background would then be:
  1. Homing Bullet
  2. Fake Item Generator

Damage Items are displayed in yellow. They damage characters and increase the damage percentage of the character with each hit.
The only item as of now with this background will be Bouncing Bullet.

Strategic Items are displayed in blue. They don't damage characters, but have a good strategic purpose in-game.
These items would be:
  1. Shield
  2. Item Stealer

I haven't gotten game play footage of the new Held Item Display as of yet. I first need to rework the image of all the items for them to be applicable with this new display. I've already worked out the Homing Bullet but I will still need to work on the remainder.

The new Homing Bullet Image
I thought I could already show you people the new image for the Homing Bullet so you can have an idea of what it looks like. The reason this is off-centred like this is so it lines up perfectly with the Held Item Display. I've Z-ordered the ring highest, then this image would be underneath the ring and it would all look really slick!

I hope you like the new changes! If you want to share your opinion on the designs then please do so in the comments!

Thank you for your time and I'l see you later!

~ Joris

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